Public Electronic Services On-the-Internet (PESO) Working Group
The PESO Working Group was established to provide a forum for addressing policy and technology issues related to improving access to government information and services via the Internet/Intranet or Extranet. Membership is open to all government entities and TASSCC members.
Next Meetin
- Date: September 10
Time: 10:00-11:30 am
Location: Brown Heatly, Room 1420
If you cannot attend in person you can join the meeting by using the AT&T TeleConference Services. Refer to the monthly listserv email meeting announcements for call-in information. The phone number and access codes have recently changed.
Meeting Agenda
Topic: Accessibility Guidelines for Web and Application Developers
Presentation by Buddy Allison, Accessibility Coordinator for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Glenda Sims, Senior Systems Analyst from the University of Texas at Austin
TCEQ Accessibility Procedure for Web and Application Developers
Texas Administrative Code 206, State Web Sites, states the compliance requirements for making Web pages and applications accessible. Buddy and Glenda will give an overview of the TCEQ procedure. They will discuss who was involved in developing the procedure, their focus, methodology, and methods for making pages and applications accessible.