E-Learning Council

ITC Nov. Meeting – A Visual Accessibility Review of Dimdim

Dimdim is an exciting new Open Source presentation and collaborative tool similar to commercially available products such as Webx and GoToMeeting.  Functionally, dimdim allows the presenter to stream live video and/or audio, display Power Point presentations, share the presenter’s desktop, use collaborative WhiteBoards and much more!  But is it visually accessible?
What can you expect:
1.  Short review of Dimdim’s exciting features and technical capabilities.
2.  A high level visual accessibility review of some of the products key strengths and weakness.
3.  As a group, ITC members will discuss if accommodations or modifications could be made that address key accessibility issues.
Goal:  At the end of the presentation, ITC group members will be asked for input on:
1.  A tentative opinions on whether the product is or can be made compliant with accessibility laws (TAC 206, Section 508).
2.  How could ITC members see integrating this product into their learning environments.
3.  What challenges would ITC members have introducing this type of technology.
This is going to be a fun one!!  Don’t miss it.
Brown bag lunch format (or try cafeteria on same floor as meeting room). Location Room 172 Bldg. A, TCEQ – map at http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/about/directory/austin_offices_map.html. Questions: Mike Sullivan  misulliv@tceq.state.tx.us
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