E-Learning Council

Chicago Lectora User Meeting Via Web


 From Amy Cathlina of Takeda: 

 1.   Lectora and Captivate together for systems demo and simulation:  The benefits of this approach, basic steps, key settings, pitfalls to avoid and best practices.

Note – participants of the Chicago e-learning showcase will recognize this topic from one of the morning sessions; this session will cover the topic in more detail.


2.   Doing a basic systems demonstration completely in Lectora:  Benefits of this approach, basic steps, key settings, pitfalls to avoid and best practices. 

Note – we may have to postpone this topic until the next webinar if time does not allow us to cover it.


 From Christine OMalley of e-Learning Designs, and Gary Hughes of Lakeside Media Design:

 3.   How to Create an Electronic Feedback Form in Lectora:  Detailed step by step guide on how to create a form thats internal to Lectora, which can be used during the course review process.

 In addition to this, we will do our usual chat introductions and provide an update on the LMS database project that Heidi and Sue are championing, before we dive into the topics.


Contact sue.tedford@dshs.state.tx.us for more information.



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