Trainers, SMEs, and even instructional designers have spent time learning to write courseware, but very little time on visual design. Ineffective layout and design results in e-Learning courses that may be boring, non-engaging, or confusing. Just as instructional designers bring learning theory expertise to the course design process, visual communication skills can also enhance course quality. It’s not enough to conduct proper analysis, align content with learning objectives, or follow ADDIE to create award-winning courses. Visual communication, graphic design, and multimedia design principles are the missing link for most courses.
Participants in this session will learn to deconstruct the core graphic elements of a course: layout, type, image, color, and mood. We’ll see real-world lessons before and after graphic elements are applied. You’ll learn actionable steps you can apply to your own courses.
In this session, you will learn:
- Layout techniques for designing around content, rather than forcing content into restrictive layouts
- Image effects, treatments, and techniques for enhancing designs and aligning visual voice to learning voice
- Typography basics for creating emphasis, contrast, and focus using visual style guides
- Color tools used by professional designers, and how to interpret and apply the schemes
- Creative exercises for identifying custom course elements to design content-specific design themes
E-Learning Symposium 2010 – Houston October 27, 2010 Houston, TX
Ticket Price – $395