“Integrating Video with a Social Media Strategy – Are You Transferring Knowledge to Your Learners?”
This presentation will provide participants a rich media perspective, explore how adding rich media to your E-Learning program will make it more effective, and how it can be done at a reasonable cost. Scott presents real-world examples for increasing our opportunities to communicate in E-Learning programs through video.
Through this session, you will learn:
- Key elements in determining how to produce audio and/or video content in-house
- Considerations with integrating video in your E-Learning projects
- How effective audio leads to effective learning
- Incorporating still images; the next step
- Communicating via video vignettes increases content retention
“Academic Research in Mobile Learning: What are We Finding? What are We Missing?”
Gregg Orr, University of Texas
M-Learning has become a new focus for technical issues as well as pedagogical issues for instructional technology. But so far there has not been much academic research into the issues of creating effective M-Learning. Participants looking for academic research in M-Learning will find this session a good place to start.
Participants in this session will learn the appropriate definitions and explore the learning theories surrounding M-Learning. You will learn the affordances and constraints of M-Learning for both business and academic settings, and how M-Learning is being deployed as a supplement to traditional E-Learning or in addition to a classroom. You will look at the current research on M-Learning, and find which areas research is addressing and which are not being researched. You will also get a breakdown of where the research is being published, and resources you can tap into for access to the latest research.
Topics covered will be:
- The educational theory and pedagogy addressed in M-Learning research
- The affordances and constraints of M-Learning
- The areas covered in current research about M-Learning
- What areas of educational research are not being addressed by the current body of literature on M-Learning
“Web 2.0 in Training”
Can Web 2.0 tools help people learn? Training developers – and their managers – are eager to introduce innovative technologies into their learning environments. It seems logical that adding a wiki or blog feature will encourage knowledge sharing; podcasts will make mobile learning easier; and everyone is addicted to social networking. Debby Kalk reveals what educational research tells us about using Web 2.0 in learning environments. So Web 2.0 shows results, right? The results may surprise you!
In this presentation, Debby will review what researchers have found about using wikis, blogs, and social networks. She will describe how these technologies have been used, discuss the trends, and draw some conclusions about what works, and what doesn’t. She will also provide a checklist for you to use in determining whether to implement each technology in training, and how to use them effectively.