The success of your E-Learning initiative begins and ends with project management. E-Learning projects are more complex to manage than traditional learning projects because they involve technology and training. There’s more risk, more time constraints, more budget pressures, and more failures in communication.
By the end of this seminar you should be able to manage an E-Learning project so that it is:
- Effective
- Within budget
- On Time
Our Managing E-Learning Projects workshop will show you an adaptive and agile methodology for E-Learning projects that will help you prevent pitfalls commonly found in an E-Learning project. Topics covered include:
- Project charter and definition
- Creating communication and agreement between all stakeholders and resources
- Creating a high-accountability blueprint
- Risk management: how to know when trouble is imminent
This workshop will be taught by MicroAssist’s E-Learning Group. The MicroAssist E-Learning Group has over ten years of real world experience working with clients to create effective E-Learning projects.
E-Learning Project Management Workshop Outline
To be able to manage an E-Learning project so:
The project is effective
- Defining Project effectiveness
- Create a Project Charter
- List Project Stakeholders
- Create and Get Agreement on Project Scope
- Create a Project Charter
- List Normal E-Learning Project Assumptions
- External Vendor vs. Internal Department
- External Vendor vs. Internal Department
The project is on time
- Be able to define an E-learning Project Timeline
- List normal E-Learning project activities
- List normal E-Learning project resources
- Create a networked Project Plan
- Create a Risk Plan for E-Learning Projects
- List common risks for E-Learning Projects
The project is within budget
- Create an E-Learning Project Budget
- Define the Cost of E-Learning Resources
- Calculate true internal resource cost
- Define the Cost of E-Learning Resources
- Create a Risk Plan for E-Learning Projects
Execute and Control
- Use Simple Tracking Tools to control – Budget & Time
- One Page Project Manager
E-Learning projects are different than traditional learning projects. In general, the key word that describes this difference is MORE. An e-learning project is actually two projects: a software project combined with a performance enhancement (‘training’) project. That means MORE scope, MORE stakeholders, MORE risk, MORE duration, MORE budget pressures, and MORE opportunities for communication to fail.