E-Learning Council

Learn @ Lunch Great Voyages Series Sets Sail in February!

Great Voyages: Instructor-Led Training to Web-Based Training

The journey from Instructor-Led Training to Web-Based Training is fraught with challenges, but it is undoubtedly a journey worth making. We at MicroAssist would like to serve as your guide.

Great Voyages: ILT to WBT is a five-part series of convenient Learn@Lunches that will take you through the essentials of moving from Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side.

Part One: Setting Sail
February 23, 2011, 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Every other month, a new topic will be addressed by Linda Warren and other E-Learning experts.

To see more of Linda’s work, visit the E-Learning section of our website.

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