Billions of dollars are spent each year on training and human resource development, but only 15% of learning is turned into results. Learning and performance professionals are all too aware of this natural gap between learning and results. You have probably witnessed countless times how a great training seminar that was delivered on Friday afternoon is completely forgotten by participants on Monday at 9:00 AM.
If you can relate to this ‘learning transfer’ challenge, you are not alone. According to the book ‘Transfer of Training’, by Mary L. Broad, 85% of all training investment dollars are wasted each year. In short, most organizations have no clue how to turn learning into results!
This lively, interactive presentation will demystify the gap between learning and results and show you 7 actionable steps for turning formal and informal learning into measurable actions and organizational results.
You will learn:
- An overview of the Learning Transfer Challenge
- How to solve the learning transfer challenge in your organization
- A plan for addressing Learning Transfer at your next learning event
- 7 Steps for turning training into results
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When I was in ‘big corporate’ we were fortunate enough to be able to afford people like Clark Quinn to help frame our strategies and goals. I really miss those days, and it’s conferences like yours that allow the individual professional the opportunity to tap into mindsets like his!
Ian MacNeil
7under22 Inc.
Toronto Canada
Pele Ugboajah, PhD

Pele Ugboajah is the Founder and CEO of ResultPal, where he drives software product innovation and customer success. He is a seasoned talent management professional with over 15 years of executive, consulting and entrepreneurial experience at the intersection of learning and development, human resources and enterprise software technology.
Prior to his current leadership position, he was Vice President of Product Management for a talent management SaaS company and Vice President of Human Resources at a healthcare organization.
Pele has managed and monitored HR budgets of $10 million, and has sold and delivered leadership development experiences and learning technology solutions to Fortune 500 companies. He also developed and delivered ResultPal, a SaaS learning and performance management software that has helped organizations optimize the return of their talent development investments. You can learn more about ResultPal at