Video can be a highly effective form of media for learning. However, adding video to an eLearning course has historically been expensive and something that required a large amount of time and skill to create. That’s not the case today.
In this session you’ll see how easy it is to create high-quality video for eLearning. You’ll also explore how course creators are integrating video to create more engaging learning experiences.
Examples include:
- Video quizzes
- Branching video scenarios
- Spot the hazard quizzes
- Video interviews
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When I was in ‘big corporate’ we were fortunate enough to be able to afford people like Clark Quinn to help frame our strategies and goals. I really miss those days, and it’s conferences like yours that allow the individual professional the opportunity to tap into mindsets like his!
Ian MacNeil
7under22 Inc.
Toronto Canada
David Anderson, Community Manager, Articulate

Dave Anderson is an award-winning course designer with over 17 years writing, designing, and managing online training. His portfolio includes managing training teams at Fortune 500 companies and designing custom e-learning for NASCAR, Mercedes, Tufts University, Delta and America West Airlines.
David is the Community Manager at Articulate where he supports 100,000+ course creators by helping them build better and more engaging courses. David hosts the weekly E-learning Challenge blog where course designers learn, share, and build their e-learning portfolios.