This month the group focuses on Flex.
Location: Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, 4800 North Lamar/Sunshine. That’s between 45th and Guadalupe on Lamar. Try to park in the garage.
Advance E-Learning through a community that provides leadership, best practices and resources in a collaborative environment
By stedford
By stedford
The Public Health Foundation along with state health department, and schools of public health across the country will come together on October 23, 1-2:00 pm CST to discuss the on-going collaboration and sharing of distance learning efforts across organizations who protect the public health of our country.
This event will be broadcast via interactive videoconference. Those who do not have videoconference capability, may join in via telephone conference call.
This is a groundbreaking effort lead by the Kentucky Department of Health and the Public Health Foundation.
For more information, please contact Sue Tedford at the Texas Department of State Health Services
By stedford
This month we’ll have a special guest speaker presenting on the Open Source Learning Management System, Moodle.
Presenter: Hiram Kuykendall, MicroAssist Technology Officer
Location: MicroAssist, Inc. at 3420 Executive Center Drive, Suite G-100