Have you read Sunni Brown’s Game Storming Book? Watched her at the TED conference? (really we’re jealous!) Thought doodling was a waste of time? It’s not, for an example of useful doodling watch the video by Allison Crow below.
You have to admit it’s much more interesting than another yawner of a PowerPoint Presentation. So what techniques did Allison use to create the presentation? Lucky you, Sunni recommended we get Allison as a presenter for E-Learning Symposium. Allison is presenting at E-Learning Symposium 2011. Better yet, she’s holding two workshops the day after to show you how to make your presentations and your learning more memorable (see Linda Warren’s presentation on memorable learning at ELS 2011).
Oh fine, impress your boss call it Visual Thinking or Graphic Facilitation so your request to attend will be approved.