Here at MicroAssist, we were faced with a very complex online training project that taught personnel how to use a less-than-intuitive website, using both instruction and simulations.
Using samples from a course where we encountered this problem, we’ll share how to overcome these technical challenges:
- How do you identify the elements that must be represented?
- What do you need to do at the start to save time later?
- How do you simulate a large website on a smaller screen? With room for instructions?
- How many interactive elements can you have one page and still make it work?
- When (not if) it breaks, how do you fix it?
With each challenge we will brainstorm, come up with solutions, and then compare those to what worked in our project.
While no particular knowledge of Lectora is required to learn the concepts, we will be using Lectora to demonstrate our solution.
We will provide sample documents that you can take and modify to suit your own needs, and checklists to help you stay on track with your own elephants. Err, projects. I meant projects.
Documents to take away:
- Ready-to-use Word templates to assist in project design
- The Lectora file used as an example in class with the supporting documents showing how it all works together
PRICE: $225
Mary Word
Mary Word has worked in the multimedia/elearning field since 1995, with companies as diverse as Cortex Communications, SCCI, and MicroAssist Elearning Group. This area has allowed her to merge her degrees in Fine Arts and Computer Science into a field that requires both the technical background of a programmer and the design eye of an artist. She has worked on projects ranging from technical training with detailed software simulations as a government contractor, to extended secondary school projects for major textbook publishers, to eLearning courses which run on a variety of platforms, including mobile.
Prior to entering the multimedia field, she gained technical and design expertise with IBM, Texaco, and James Avery Craftsman.
Location: MicroAssist, 8500 Shoal Creek, 4-225, Austin, TX 78757
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:30 AM
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